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Catch a championship, not an infection!


Updated: Sep 14, 2021

There has been a lot of talk about how our cell phones, computers, and other items are filthy and riddled with bacteria. The constant and necessary use of these items allows the transmission of bacteria and can cause many health concerns.

Impetigo on a child's chin.

Yet, there is something else many of us don't think about often. There are places and equipment that your children or grandchildren visit or use every day. And they are the leading contributor to illnesses such as MRSA (pronounced mersa), Impetigo, Herpes, and Ringworm. Where is this “horrible” place? It is the school gymnasium, locker rooms, and sports equipment. Think about wrestling for a moment. Numerous kids are competing on a mat that is potentially full of sweat, saliva, and blood. One child that unknowingly has an infection can easily pass this on to your child and many others.

Ringworm on leg.

How about Football? Volleyball? Basketball? As athlete after athlete practices, plays, and sweats in that equipment, germs and bacteria begin to build up. Smelly locker rooms can have fungus growing in the showers and floors. Bleachers shared by thousands of cheering fans throughout the year can be a home to dangerous microbes. Just as sports are an often “vital” part of growing up and school life, Vital Oxide should be a vital part of the overall health of your school especially places where sweat, saliva and more can land (basically everywhere!).

Vital Oxide can play a massive part in saving your favorite sports teams from being fined, suspended, getting sick, or losing game time. How? By laying down a 2 step protection that can’t be matched. LastGerm offers products that are safe to use on ANY surface, and as it continuously kills bacteria, it will not cause irritation to anyone! If your team is healthy, you don’t risk getting others sick or spreading a nasty infection.

In February 2012, the New Egypt High School Wrestling Team in New Jersey faced penalties for withdrawing from a competition because members of the opposing team had Impetigo. While the New Egypt coaches did what they felt was right in protecting their wrestlers, the NJSIAA Controversy Committee had allowed the opposing team from Bound Brook, NJ to continue competing even though 2 of the wrestlers were diagnosed and confined with Impetigo. Previously, New Egypt had their own outbreak of Impetigo and Ringworm, causing the program to be shut down for 10 days. They simply could not put their athletes into yet another unhealthy situation.

You can read the rest of the story here, but the bottom line is, this all could have been avoided had the schools used our 2-step process which provides continuous elimination of 99.99% of microbes that are causing bacterial and viral infections to be transmitted.

How can this save your team from getting sick or losing game time? Well, it’s pretty simple. If you can keep your team safe from these and many other illnesses, it keeps your team healthy and in action to provide their best performance at every game. Protect your favorite school team and show them how powerful Vital Oxide is!

Have questions? Find an agent near you that is happy to assist you.

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